Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder 费希尔被控谋杀未遂,昨晚入狱。
You can even sleep in a cell block behind bars. 你甚至可以选择睡在吧台后面。
Scary still, one out of every 143 adults and one in 111 African-Americans are behind bars. 更恐怖的是,143个成年人里就有一个是罪犯,111个非洲裔美国人里就有一个是蹲大牢的。
Well, I'm just happy to know he's behind bars. 把他绳之以法我真是太高兴了。
What I want is to see Bush and Cheney behind bars for decades and communicating their regrets to their successors. 我想,就是看布什和切尼背后的酒吧,几十年来和他们沟通,遗憾他们的继承人。
I know what you want to do-put them behind bars and throw away the key. 我知道你要把他们锁起来,丢掉钥匙。
To keeping people like you behind bars. 就是把像你这样的人送进班房。
You can put those who tell the truth behind bars, but not truth itself. 你可以将说出真相的人关进监狱,但不能关住真相本身。
I didn't want my mom to see me behind bars. 我不想让我妈看见我在监狱里。
If you continue to steal, you will end put behind bars. 如果你继续行窃,最终总要落得个坐牢的下场。
After being sentenced to23 months in prison, Michael Vick is adjusting well to life behind bars. 在被判决入狱23个月后,迈克。维克已经完全适应了监狱生活。
He found the solution behind bars. 他在监狱找到了解决办法。
Violent and dangerous criminals belong behind bars. 暴力和危险的犯人应该被关起来。
He's spent most of his life behind bars. 他一生中大部分时间在监狱中度过。
It said that they were not allowed to play music anymore, otherwise they'd be kept behind bars. 为此司法官下了一道禁令。禁令上写着他们不能再演奏音乐,否则将被关进监狱。
If you are caught stealing, you'll get put behind bars. 如果你偷窃被抓到的话,你就会被抓去坐牢。
The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. 大幕拉开,最后一幕戏开演,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗的牢房里。这一句中,curtain和goup也是很实用的搭配。
If you don't take my advice, you will end up behind bars. 如果你不听我的劝告,最后总要落得坐班房的下场。
He's probably behind bars some place. 他可能被关到牢里去了。
We shall sleep more soundly in our beds when this violent criminal has been placed behind bars. 如果这个可恶的罪犯被关进监狱的话,我们就可以高枕无忧了。
He wasn't a man spending his life behind bars. 他不是在监狱里过生活的那个。
Who was it, that at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars. 到底是谁,在你把臭名昭著的海盗放心地关到监牢的时候。
I have got something here that will keep you behind bars for years. 我这儿有些足够叫你蹲几年大牢的证据。
Now that the killer is safely behind bars. 现在凶手被牢牢地关在监狱中。
I could be spending the holidays behind bars. 我可能在铁窗后面渡过圣诞节了。
But they do like seeing their enemies behind bars. 可她们愿意在监狱里面看见敌人。
It's time a lot of football hooligans were put behind bars. 现在该是把很多足球流氓囚禁起来的时候了。